I orbit the idea of an animal not thinking of itself.
to err is hunger.
aware of my body as if my body is on a raft.
a creaky deceit I call rafting in the ****.
last night in a very safe garage I promised a friend I’d mention the moon in the period following my last idea.
my body eats me. god dangles the body of my son in front of my son’s next memory.
some are born born-again.
current trends include cloning. the first person to recall dying will be held aloft.
the black market is a state of mind. I smoke a joint in a barn and worry I will see a barn owl that will crush my barn owl dreams. my worry walks me three miles where I meet a woman trying to sell a book in a graveyard. I trade her the memory of our previous trade for the book she tells me is shy. my other possession is a neglected baby.
a person goes dark. night shifts disappear. a lone panic capsizes the anatomically correct. men fill up on mouthwash. men float. women bite their tongues in half before they can say women and children. insomnia becomes more than the over-hyped novelization of insomnia. a boy draws a cutlass in a broom closet and is told he can’t sleep. I begin to want more from a diagnosis. a kite being flown in hell by a son gone pro.