In that magic evening they have met
They were silent, remembering that
On a big ship they were under threat.
They saw the sky light up and a pat.
So slowly the ship began to sink.
Despaired, in the water they fell.
And when its image began to shrink,
They were in a boat, it was like hell.
They could swim even across the moon,
In despair, needing to survive.
They reached the shore of black lagoon,
They realized that they were alive.
She breathed new air like a survivor,
She became a stranger in night,
When her man, the ship's driver,
Died in the water of her sight.
There was about a great wolf ******,
And their love story reaching their dream,
A sailor's song about a freeman,
A story with treasure and sea bream.
There was like another life for me,
When Geraldine, sneaking up on tide,
Was calling Frederick, couldn’t he
Know he left her with child inside.
That movie, when have met our eyes,
All things separated me from you,
Another era, love, life, other skies
Same souls, different masks in outward view.