love - can you tell me what that means? every human on this planet defines love differently than another. some think that love is: -false. -only exists in fairytales. -golden & everlasting. -indescribable. but regardless of all the many definitions, love is, well love. once you feel it, you embrace it's every move, feeling, every emotion. you become love. & once it hits you, you'll know it's real. you'll be moved my every move that person makes, every single breath they take. you begin to feel safe, warm & not alone. you no longer are afraid of anything, you're something completely different. you're: happy. invincible. wondrous. excited. fearless. & suddenly, every bad aspect in your life slowly fades away. love is a powerful thing. it can make you or it can break you. it can find you or it can lose you. it has it's ups & it's downs. but the empowering feeling never leaves. love - can you tell me what that means?