It hits me like the cold August wind, sending shivers all over my body, forming goosebumps on my bare skin making all my secrets known to the world.
It engulfs me in its red hot embrace Feeding on the flesh of my innocence ******* the air of dignity from my lungs Leaving me gasping for the remaining respect i had for myself.
Its like that crack in the middle of my mirror The reason i never bother to look at it Its like the red ketchup stain on my white shirt The one i've been trying to remove.
Its my sense of being i search for in the lost and found The dreams i've given up on and put under lock and key Its the monster that sleeps under my bed The reason i sleep in the dark so it won't see me.
Its all the wrongs I'm trying to make right The crooked roads I'm trying to make straight Its the sweet dreams that make me over sleep The reason i put my alarm on snooze.
Its the tests i want to pass without revising for The A+ i want handed to me on a silver platter Its the weekend assignments i do on Monday morning The feeling of being behind time keeps me going.
Its the prayer of a sinner i lament day and night The throne of grace and mercy i kneel before Its the dark sins i want made white The blood of Jesus will set me free.
Its this prayer I've written down The reason I'm saying Amen...