O You Queen of Carthage! Kiss me dearly Through the violent storms Mediterranean warrants And be over me a watch Like a lion and her cubs from the Atlas
O You Treasures of Masaesyli! Bid me whole a glamour Like colourful radiant orchids Baked to bask In the light sunset sheds And price me golden amongst there is
O You Sweet olives Massyli begets Feed me reverence the drops you hold And lay me affectionate a sack In the mild winters With my soul a serene-calm
O You Tripolitania! Posit me shields And hearten me as not afraid The swords squatters lift To jealously pierce the beautys I own
O You Tender night breeze of Cyrenica! Solace my melting lips When the dessert roars And gentle my hand with seven kisses each
O You The pleasing of the heavens! Idolize me like the Maghreb