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Oct 2011
The air is calm and so is my mind
My heart now rest for a long time
I lay here still not to move as I wonder what to do
It is dark where I am I can not see nor have air to breath
My chest is cold and has stopped breathing
I lay here still wondering
My head rest atop your lap my eyes will not open
The hole in my side has stopped bleeding now
I lay here still waiting but for what
Till a warm drop hits my face
You are crying for me now and I must not allow this to happen
I fight to regain control over my limbs it pains them so
But pains me more that you cry
My eyes open now and look up to see your face come into my focus
My heart starts back at work as my chest rises and falls
The cold wet air enters my lungs
My side hurts me more now but still you cry till I reach my hand up
It screaming in pain
And brush you tears away
William P Markwalder
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