comfortably placed in a well-padded swivel chair fingertips tapping a lovely mahogany desk on the left rests a vape pen loaded with rosin I squished next to a hand-blown glass pipe specifically for the finest organic outdoor flower which, it just so happens, I grew myself the soft glow of the screen beacons another lovely poem for the community – outside the window just off my right shoulder barely noticeable fin movements send spotted coy across the pond just beyond, the gardens, both vegetable and medicinal sit in the sun, swelling and flourishing surrounded by large quartz stones placed into a medicine wheel ala black elk speaks -- the old lab comes and rests his greying mug on my leg a few pats and some scratching under the chin and around the ears fat and ornery black and white cat hops into the window sill offering up a weak meow, and anticipatory purrs soft caresses from the top of his head to the base of his tail stretching his *** way into the air, he looks over as if to ask, “who said you could be done” I place my hands at the keyboard typing what may be the one that gets me on Colbert –