A Baby-Boomer walks so freely through the town he pays no mind to those suffering around “Why don’t poor people just get jobs,” he asks himself, “And stop bellyaching? And women need to shut their mouths and stop complaining the wage gap is a fallacy they invented to work less. trust me I am a man who would understand the oppressed, a man who has always been gainfully employed, in fact if you ask me I am simply annoyed that others dare to call me privileged just because I can afford more than they do (well that and the fact that because of my face I can be sure that I will not be chased by the police unrightfully or a strange man most frighteningly).” He walks alone in the darks of night and yet his bones do not creak with fright for he knows the world respects his white skin, his wife, and the money he keeps only for him. On his wall hangs a college degree he got from a school in 1983 “I don’t understand why the millennials are such whiners pull yourself up by your bootstraps while you’re still minors, yes we ruined the economy, but it’s not that hard if you just stop focussing on being so avant-garde and get a job, who do you think you are? Just kids trying their best to be what they are? Disgusting excuse, sell your soul to businesses, it’s what Reagan would do.” As he puts his money to bed at night in the house he bought when the market was still alright he wonders why kids these days seem so tired and hungry for praise.