Dense cream for invisible stretch marks Marking and paving the road your body changed its ways So have you, the way you see yourself Cellulite emerging from the cell phone you drown in Even in pools of commercials that are ankle deep Make your lips better by damaging them, hell even inject Yourself with something like a ****** it’ll get you high On lack of self-awareness and they say the beautiful people feel The most shame Get more plump here and anorexic here asking how long does Food take to digest so you know the timer on the clock before Exploding yourself from within The clock is ticking to another rhythm and you have alarms set Before the actual alarm you’re craving something so insane so real So tangible or so it seems from airbrushed porcelain characters They have just a mask on I’m sure they Photoshop the smile For every single ******* one of those pictures framed ecstatic Numbing process, they grab a little piece from everyone It’s a collage of insecure little girls and smaller adults Marketing its child exploitation ***** One day we’ll have the perfect person They assume We’ll change to be what they ask A chameleon with neurotic behavior wondering if it could lose a few Most of us have lost more than just that