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Oct 2011
The thought seems so simple
See the sights
Reach for the stars
Run the course
And you’ll go far

In the land of opportunity
With freedom of speech
Do you tell the truth?
Or read them a fairytale?
Just stay the route.

Looking around
Everyone is at fault
Lies beneath the surface
Will soon come up
Time flagged down in a race

Unity is the only way to be free
To find comfort in all the evil
With peace comes happiness
When normal is gone
The route seems useless

In the world of chaos
Nothing seems normal
Disappointment around the corner
Befriend a neighbor, but see no evil
Receive no penalty

Everyone out for themselves
But who looks out for you
With a path so coarse and twisted
Don’t walk, run to freedom
Death is just a figure of speech
Kimberly Bicknell
Written by
Kimberly Bicknell
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