I'm ignored put aside like I don't matter might as well hide no longer there is laughter all there is, silence
I feel as if I'm drifting farther and farther away no longer does she want to talk sort her thoughts out with me she just keeps her distance.
Every time I try to talk to her I'm either shunned of shut out there's no more I miss you.
All I get now is silence silence so dull silence so painful silence so excruciating
It's good now my eyes are open to what I have a glow that came from no where for I was blinded by the lust
For never did I know that she was who I loved it took her to show me who I cared about most
Never did it occur to me that it was her, her alone made me see that I'm worth it
That all my demons can be fought that all my anguish that all my fear can be conquered that I can again be happy and loved and that maybe she'll love me still even with my darkest secret.