I don't require complete perfection, Authenticity would suffice... The two swords of mind Are constantly dueling Within the hearts of men. Accept what is, Tame the ravenous inner beasts, Forgive your brother For his fallible, carnal nature. Also forgive yourself. No man alive escapes desire, Jealousy, anger, greed. We all have known pain, Mourning and loss; To understand this with compassion Becomes the test, To embrace ourselves with lovingkindness Is the goal. This accomplishment supersedes merely abstaining, Transcends our transgressions, Licks the wounds of fate, Heals the darkness. Enter the perilous eye of the storm ahead, Unshakeable in faith. Brimming with confidence and joy, Humble and grateful. Stand, immovable, in your divinity, Protected and guided By the highest order of knowledge. Take every step. Grow, love, learn, teach, trust, Yet remain unafraid. Fortitude and courage will reveal The true Warriors.