People say they can see my future in high definition Well I only see black and white Depicting that I'm wrapped up in an endless cycle Trying to find the safe way out of a problem Only to find my way back into it And it's just gotten worse I see that metaphorical ghost Of the past present and future Trying to show me my mistake My path and that time paradox Where I talk to myself Only it's not me but a possible me Trying to warn me that this isn't the track for me Only to be blocked by requests from Him, her, him, him, her, him, her All these applauds from cardboard cutouts My voice being blocked by... Fake My voice being blocked by... Fake My voice being blocked by the fake The adrenaline of being forced out of a house Told that I'm not trustworthy Kept out of a loop I was interested in I'm being told by myself I'm going down a path I possibly can't come back from That I'm gonna feel pain worse than getting a tattoo Worse than fracturing a knee Worse than even the end of the world I'm going down... Black and white Technicolor I'm going down... People say they can see my future in high definition But I can only see black and white With shades of red for the blood