The poison touched my lips again the morning after I awoke feeling more like myself than I have in ages and I started to realize- this is the only version of myself I have known. Instability etched into my genetic code I was destined for the toxicity lining my bloodstream. Once, I felt on top of the world- standing amongst the people who thrived and longed for the same passions I had. Then I watched myself fall third person point of view my lifeless body had landed where no one could reach me I was too far gone. So I let the sweet taste of surrender fill my mouth and kiss my insides. That's where I found myself again- the only version of myself I have come to know the one I became so familiar with. I guess I don't know who I am anymore without the foggy brain and the steadfast demeanor. Passion is a *****- especially when it seems like everyone is staring watching as you fall to your own demise and only a few are there to dry your tears. They are never who you'd expect but they live for this as much as you do. No one understands unless this fuels them unless their bones are aching from the lonely that has become of me and what I tried to create. Everyone is watching me fall and most of them are too busy to notice I can't hold on anymore. The will I had to move forward with this has been depleted by indecency. Only a few remain- they help pick me back up and then hand me a pen but when I go to grab it, it slips through my fingertips and falls to where I was on the ground. So I start typing instead. "The poison touched my lips again..." but believe me- none of this has ever been easy remind me to not forget who I am again.