A hole in the universe. A pinprick of light Peeking at me behind night's dark doors. It swallows my soul, taking me in, But instead of eating me up, it makes me whole. A brightness shooting straight into me, A gift from the heavens. A reminder of life. Of pain. Of hope. Of love.
And I take this lesson in my hands, cupped gently in front of my self, And walk into life, through it, inside it. Hate swells, like the rolling tide. It always comes. It always was, it always will be. The waves scream toward me thrashing madly And I step aside, not fighting. Not hating. Love. And that tiny spot of light (guarded on all sides by the stalwart gates of night) glows when assaulted, gently directing the rage aside.
Now I'm watching. I'm learning. I don't control the light. I can't. I've tried. I hold it gently in my open hands (they must not be closed!) while it lives as I should.