for** many years I have dwelled as a prisoner of my own mind constructing a realm meant only to possess nothing, but my impenetrable cage I was just so very afraid I hid myself hid myself away away from the world that I could have known perhaps, the world I should have should have known...
forever to remain camouflaged by the by the dark in shadows, deep hidden from others kept from the the sunshine's light kneeling in a dark corner while while I weep rolling river's pained, murky waters...
it was only only no one no one, but myself and my own heedless fears I, a captive??? restrained and tortured, tormented by a being who shows their face a familiar face every time I I look into her empty eyes as they gaze through abandoned, forsaken abyss into my own where I stand peering into my my destructive mirror...
my innocence has has been stolen was ripped away by the hand the hand that belongs to me thrown into this this strangling cage this awful dungeon a captive soul made slave to my very own inner, quivering doubt forced to wallow in eternal blackness just as one one miserable, exhausted sad and dying one dying fool ... solely self- -created void...
[ a prisoner who who resides within cold prison walls in another's cell that was made built up around the ground where their feet, first, stood fervently constructed with very, very very powerful efficient hands... ]
eventually she'll meet her cold death-bed life's breath, wasted wasted, worthlessly away cruelty in her demise the conclusion her her own hands wrought meticulously designed her own personal damnation portal and just as her world while living she'd conquered nothing nothing, but her her dark, lonely tomb airless wasteland of timeless death...