I build walls around my soul So I don’t have to see myself fall From the very walls I build Out of hopes and dreams, filled To the top with an ocean of regret, Looking out for help from atop the parapet, Be it a boat of love or hate, Anything that could possible penetrate The walls around my soul and make Me a better person, not just some fake Friend with fake hugs and fake words, Saying nice things but I can tell the true meaning’s absurd And I can tell they are nothing but words, Still from the mouth of someone real, not fake, Someone who cares enough to chance a stake In my life, trying to go through the walls and penetrate My truth so that I don’t have to hate All that is called out from the parapet Of another’s mind, who knows regret Can destroy a heart that is filled With the very love that is used to build Great relationships that never fall, So I destroy the walls around my soul To be with her, once and for all.