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Oct 2011
lightning, thunder
pummeling droplets of rain
vicious, forceful hurricane winds
sweeping, spinning
swept violently away
whipping, ******
dragging me
a helpless rag doll
tugging me around
- by my ravaged soul
dizziness, nausea
fractional-seconds, flashes of light
circling; bewilderment
world rushing past
lost in this predicament
having been carried away far away...
prisoner of this whirlwind
fearsome, raging tempest
powerful and raw
merciless desecration
mindless murdering of innocence
inescapable prison walls
captive of this sociopathic entity
hopelessly enslaved
****** and over-burdened
foul irony, my fate
- my only companion
pressing, constant reminder:
chained to my own
passionless, encroaching storm -
this loathsome,
jerking, twisting, spasm-wracked,
hurricane monster
a destroyer -
- my destroyer!
the homicidal destroyer,
that I have made...
I am, my own, storm slave...
Alexsandra Danae
Written by
Alexsandra Danae  36/F/Mayfield, Kentucky
(36/F/Mayfield, Kentucky)   
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