Inconsistency breaks me- when the routine you have inplanted inside my mind turns into only seeds. I have no room to grow. When the words are no longer leaving your lips I linger for the affirmation. One moment the love comes- The next I am questioning it's authenticity.
Breaking has been the only thing I've ever known- Fists broke walls Repression broke bottles and circumstance broke me. These walls that built me The ones I have been trapped inside are caving in now- no one is here to help me stop it. No one is strong enough to save me.
Bring me routine- find a sunset inside my eyes that always starts at the same time. Wake me when it rises and let me watch it by your side. I'm sorry for all the times I talked too much and didn't listen enough. But my mind runs circles around my logic sometimes and becomes too dizzy to continue.
I've never been good at emotions- never learned what they were until I had to stop pushing them back eventually they demanded revenge.
I was dealt a ****** hand- no one was there to shuffle the cards when the game ended so I kept getting dealt the same. I folded a long time ago but it seems I've become too in debted to the past. Cash in my chips- spend it on whatever you wish. Just don't play these games anymore. I'm tired of not knowing your cards I've had enough trouble predicting my own.
Give me routine and I will give you my happy. Give me consistency and I will give you the best of me. Tell me things you're too afraid to say and I will do the same. Love me consistent- It will rid of the erratic. Love me routinely- I'm tired of breaking.