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Oct 2011
Would I be as content
              if I realized my purpose?
To be told why my existence is so?
To never have a choice
              following a predestined path?
Would my eyes glow the same
              if I knew the rules to this purposeless game?
                               Would I not go-


Why seek infinite time?
               One would be blind to not define
                                all time as infinite

               but is there not a limit?

To comprehend everything
               leads to understand nothing
but to accomplish just
                                some things
               ensures we are just like everything else.

                                 Ever so temporary,
                                           I sit and I breath
                                                     awaiting the moment
                                                          ­     I can no longer

and fall endlessly into the pocket of time
               where all is forgotten
                                 with no greater meaning.

We creatures of want
               are unsatisfied with anything less than
                                                            ­    everything;
To each man
               the sun shines on his sunny day;
               the bugs bite his skin sharply;
               the egg yolk,
                                 from rebellious outbursts of teenage angst,
                                 must be scraped off his car;
               those who reside in his home
                                 his neighborhood
                                         his town
                                                 his country
                                                         his world
                                  are somehow given a relation to him
                                                             ­     by him.

How does one man come to posses so much?
               Why must everything be in relation to him,
                                  can nothing exist without him?

Without I, all can exist
               just as functional as before.
Without you, I can exist
               just as happily as I have grown used to.

Our love, a passion I've felt for nobody else,
               the one who unlocked who I truly am,
               introduced me to my real self,
Is just as disposable as
               the plastic fork and unfinished meal
               that rot in my weekly Wednesday waste.

My mother and father
               sisters and brothers
                                family and friends
have formed the only life I know
but without them,
               I would exist just the same.

Think not this is an excuse for self-indulgence
               and rejection of close connections,

Embrace all who reach for your heart
               and show each tourist of your mind
                                a part of which none else have seen.

Roam this world, look not at it as yours
               but be the world,
                                assimilate with existence,
                                commemorate self
                                             as you would commemorate all else

and let ego, if it is there, harm not mind.
Written by
   Meka Boyle
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