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Sep 2015
Growing up was a hard thing to do.
I had to make sure I was nothing like you.
My hair, eyes, and nose.
Couldn't be anything close.
Character was what it was.
I hated yours, because..
You taught me so many wrongs.
I had to learn as I went on.
I had to be a woman so quick.
Because you were full nothing but tricks.
When it came to me, you gave up.
You were so tired and messed up.
Lying was what you did best.
Everything to you was just a test.
I truly learned a lot from you.
Like everything not to do.
You were so unfit when it came to me.
So I raised myself and let you be.
Thank you for the food you bought.
I wish there were more lessons taught.
Like maybe how boys could hurt so much.
Or simply how to comb my hair or brush.
I learned everything on my own.
But I wish more love was shown.
And now its hard to really relate.
Every apology was said too late.

Written by
Ash Tree Meadow  Eau Claire, Wi
(Eau Claire, Wi)   
   Cecil Miller
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