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Oct 2011
Out into the dark forest
I will go.
I will wait for him,
not patiently,
but I will wait;
at the mouth of an ebony river,
listening to what the Mother has to say.

And out into the thick dark forest
he will go,
hunting for me.
like my warm breath
on his neck
keeps his heart beating.

From miles away
he will hear me
whisper his name,
my love rippling through the soil.

Leaves will fall
with the trembling of my hands,
just before they rest on his shoulders.

And in the unearthly spotlight
we will be guided
into the lustrous mist.

And we will thrash and thunder
and bang and crash,
triggering landslides.

We will march on,
our hands clasped
with a fierceness nearly flammable,
fire threat level: crimson.
ⓒ wordswithmypulse
Written by
HR B  29/F
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