Discontentment always be knock, knock, knock! On thoracic diaphragm. All cavities get filled with emptiness and the brain It sees this anomaly, does its great job: "Fill the emptiness!"; Ironically keeping to the heart's shadow.
The blind leading the blind, blood is boiling up inside. Voices keep repeating Same old eulogy Attendees deserted the ceremony Muscles convulse One last waking breathe "Wake up!"
As if this some dream before The the soul floats above, observing life. The tangibleness of time: <Fear> <sadness> <anger> <surprise> <happiness> <disgust>; now reprise.
"Take this drug for medicinal purposes." $Paralyze $Numb $Tranquilize $Dumb $Petrified $Stump "Why don't you wake up?!"
One loud shrieking gasp Ooh-aah! Heavy pants Agh Agh Agh "That was a close one..." The dark matter shifted away.
The brain followed its cue; What was the discontentment? It hasn't got a clue. "I only want more" Said the voices in the brain "Of life, that is"