I am from elementary days Where we chased boys and singed stupid little melodies Where we didnt care about the world just silly toys, and crushes and boys where so innocent I am from the best Christmas ever Where we had so many presents it over loaded the front room, almost Where I didnt know what to play with cause there where so many options and choices
I am from mistakes Those things that happened That I wish I could just make go away Take back, make them disappear I am from shadows Cause Im so shy Hide myself away sometimes I am from music B97 70s 80s and 90s songs Ones that get stuck in your head Ones that are a MUST go on my iPod
I am from enjoying You know the times in the world where you dont give a hoot on whats happening and could care less I am from love My mom and dad Family, friends and loving amazing dakotah my baby boy I am from baptism When I renew my sins and then messed them up again But it was a choice we made I am from long sweet cuddles The times alone with him The babying moments Cute giggles, sweet kisses Horse playing Long talks good and bad Amazing times Past future and present The Je t'aime's And every day moments with him=]
I am from then and now Ive learned what to do and what not to Whats ok and whats not Found more of my inner self And also found a really loving person that I really! Love! And am going to marry one of these days:)