I fell for you Unconventionally Because you aren’t perfect Because you smell like sweat and sawdust Because an hour with you Is a guaranteed five laughs And ten thinks twice-s Because I didn’t plan on loving you In fact I fought it like you did Like a wild beast With an anger like from being taken from its home land With its hungry empty belly growls With demands of its obedience from whips With the ferocity of a caged lion But also with the innocent of a boy Looking at that lion from behind the zoos gate Because so much of me Wants to be gentle with you Just wants to hold your hand Tell you goodnight Pour you a cup of coffee in the morning Tie your tie for you Unconventionally At best And terrifyingly at worst Because in the middle of the night I feel like more of a lion than a child And I want to tear into you With claws and fangs Rip you to shreds Because that’s the only way a lion knows How to say You are the finest, most exceptional, rarest person I have ever met And really even that is a childish understatement.