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Sep 2015
Hello again, Old Friend
After years we finally speak again
Smile and hug, glad to see me
Yet for three ******* years no calls or e-mails
No response on, Facebook silence
Distance increased, non-responsiveness felt like malice

Back then  I couldn't explain the degree of pain I was in
Then I had a break from you, the rest of the old gang, and went to war again

Suicidal ideation receded with the constant
and fraternity that I had stopped feeling at "home"
War was my soul's balm, violent threat gave me calm
And resentment and bitternessβ€”at you, *******β€”grew

Why did it take going back to hell to get better?

So we meet again, smile, shake hands, hug like old friends
I'm confused and hurt all over again
I'm trying to forgive, I will not forget
But wasn't it nice when we met?
...and yet

I've decided we're friendly acquaintances with long history
That's the only way this **** makes sense to me.
I'm trying to not expect anything from you, don't expect anything from me
Maybe we'll become friends again on day, we'll see
With silence as our norm, right now it seems unlikely

Oh, how ******* fitting this would be if this is news to you.
I taste bile to think I once considered you my "best friend".  What a ******* childish title.
Written by
Noor  California
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