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Oct 2011
I lay here in my bed,
Thinking of you in my head.

Trying so hard to sleep,
But can’t instead I weep.

Slowly I began to cry,
Saying in my head “why?”

Nothing is at it seems,
Hoping this was all a dream.

Slowly it disappears,
With it are my fears.

My fears that you might come,
And yell at me “You’re Stupid and Dumb!”

I deserve everything you have to say,
For everything I’ve done that day.

I drove to that bar or club,
I drank like I couldn’t get enough.

You told me to stop,
Even said there might be cops.

As I drove you back in my car,
You and I started a word war.

“Stop! You’re Drunk, you’re not fit to drive!”
Then Crash-I’ve just killed my beloved wife.

—Thomas James Written on June 2, 2010
Thomas James
Written by
Thomas James  27/M
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