She was birthed Roaring into the world From the smoldering Clouds and debris Of a solar supernova.
The Solar System Wailed with the effort Of her labor, Crying and moaning Fumes Of toxic ashes As her surfaces Slowly coagulated.
At first The molten lava plains Of her magma Sizzled And shifted, Bubbled And stewed.
Spinning, Turning already On her axis, Her cooling crust began to Take shape, At first Sticking Randomly
Together But Later Clumping Like The fusing skull Of a budding Fetus.
And her bright Pink Flesh cooled, Shone No more, Replaced By black scabs Of brutal scarring.
Storms Of acidic poison Raged in her skies, Gaseous clouds broiling up From openings On her scorched And pockmarked Body.
Oceans flowed And they washed Over her skin, Cleansing her, Elevating her to salvation. Waves crashed Like powerful titans Capable of bringing Our little world to its knees. They rescued Her warped form.
Groaning she rose up Gloriously With the act Of greeting The Sun. The new and white Star gazed lovingly Over her child’s horizon, And the infant, Wiped freshly clean Of her burning mother’s Cosmic afterbirth, Opened her baby blue eye And smiled back.