bumper-stickers of crosses commemorating a Jewish hippie anarchist are flanked by mantras of violence the hallmarks of ambivalent compliance celebrating barbarism the State’s chief contrivance
my fill-in-the-blank is an American serviceman note here that it doesn’t matter if the individual in question identifies as male female or non-conforming they are a service man as if the erasure of gendered complexities somehow appeases the intricacies of humanity beneath a blanket statement of hyper-masculinity but i digress
my fill-in-the-blank is an American serviceman reinforcing the spiritualization of militarization in syncophantic intontations of god bless our soldiers and only ours forget about all the other men and women and children cursed by the pox of foreign aggression and endless war they are not our concern on the contrary they are just an obstacle in our path a minor speed-bump we must summit by summoning chauvinism and stepping on the throats of our enemies
dominance is our souls’ sole objective we don’t have time for notions that might challenge our hallowed perspectives or our holy war in the most sacred spot in all the world we cannot be deterred by the images of broken bloodied babies on Mediterranean shores ‘cause the decimated dead with decapitated heads only fan the flames of conquest cultivated by the corrupt
i suppose i shouldn’t be so surprised after all you did adopt an instrument of torture to remember your savior by when a dove of peace and fraternity would’ve sufficed
your distinctly American Jesus stands shirtless with a chiseled six-pack in camouflage cargo shorts wielding a double-barreled sawed-off shotgun in each hand he’s white and rich and arrogant as he trades blows with ISIS and sits in consternate judgement over godless atheists barking out damnation from the right-hand of the lord our god the king of kings salvation reserved for the predestined elect necessarily limited to Americans his chosen elite in their promised land
if only he could see you now that same martyr you bless with one breath before spewing vitriolic hatred with the next what would the prince of peace riding on a donkey have to say to bigots racists and homophobes
would he find the stones you spew and shove them back down your throat the way i’d like to
no i somehow imagine that if your Christ returned he’d interpose himself between you and the LGBTQ and suffer the brunt of your bitterness turning black and blue beneath the blows willing to die for the least of these crying abba father why have you forsaken me
if the Nazarene came back he’d overturn ballot-boxes in houses of worship masquerading as venues for the 2016 election he’d realize Sanders is no socialist that Clinton is grotesquely hawkish and i like to think he’d tell that fascist Trump to *******
he would stand instead with the poor and oppressed with men and women of color at Black Lives Matter protests smoke some quality kush with the dejected rejects and comfort the back-alley addicts with a soft word or warm hug to serve as a reminder that the Kingdom of Heaven is not above but is built brick-by-brick in the day-to-day interactions of compassion between ordinary humans with an extraordinary capacity to counteract the lethargy of apathy that pacifies the populace and turns us into cowed wage-slaves bowing in acquiescence
the rabbi would march to the gates of the white house and occupy the front lawn to triumphant shouts that rendered unto American Caesars precisely what they deserve
a non-violent mass resistance of leaderless and highly coordinated civilly disobedient dissidents who value dissent and populist movements to voice their disillusionment at abject apparatuses consolidating dominance in order to remind the 99% that in the words of one romantic
we will rise like lions after slumber in unvanquishable number we’ll shake our chains to earth like dew for we are many and they are few
yet as much as i am loathe to admit it Jesus of Nazareth was executed two thousand some odd years ago your god is dead and he cannot save us
if we intend to contend with the forces of depravity that inculcate humanity with putrescent fantasies of self-aggrandized zealotry we cannot sit on our hands or bury our heads in the sand and wait for someone else to lead us to redemption
salvation keeps us looking down and shuffling along suffering chained to our lack of imagination rather than looking straight ahead into the eyes of our taskmasters and irrevocably declaring we will lead ourselves
we have it in us to build a better world in the shell of the old and raise a culture of equality and liberty provided we don’t buy into all we’re told but if such a dream could ever triumph we must find the courage to brave the cold winters of repression that surely lay ahead and pour gasoline on this ugly specter haunting our planet before lighting the torch and tossing it onto the detritus of misanthropy
watch it burn
come huddle close now gather ‘round keep warm if we stick together we can brave the storm gathering even now to purge our peaceful non-compliance
as we carry the conflagration to every nation to each corner of the globe we will overthrow the ghost of governance