There was a day I came to find A deep red brick Of fine design The feeling smooth It's edges neat It's perfection was Quite hard to beat
I took this brick Out to the sun Walked straight to the sidewalk And began to run Along the way It became something more And the action of running Turned into a chore
My arms grew so tired My legs broken down Yet I kept on going I ran I was bound
I then came across A mountain so steep As soon as I saw it My body did weep
But I dug in my heel And took the first step Surely a most definite part of the prep
The journey was tough I almost lost hope At times I had reached The end of my rope Yet my hand felt the top And my eyes saw the land And the words I kept thinking Was yes, I sure can
I wondered and wondered Could this be a trick? Until I remembered The weight of the brick
It was there from the start A symbol of time And although very heavy It had always been mine
I grew stronger and tough With my perfect smooth brick I didn't know it would stay That it's presence would stick
It is here I should leave it Up here at the top For I must keep on walking I simply can't stop
For I see many adventures In that land straight ahead But the one thing I can't see Is a hand full of red
Here it will stay My own special trinket For a brick is forever Impossibly secret