I want people to know I came this way,
I am going to make something of myself some day.
and I'm fighting every 24 hours only against me, the person I was yesterday. Yet my failures everyday make improvement seem so far away.
But I'll make it happen, I have to.
I'll follow my dreams I wanna see.
Despite the fact that I am a high school drop out and failed multiple classes,
Despite the fact that I am prone to depression,
Despite the facts that some don't believe I can do it,
Despite the fact that I am diagnosed with A.D.D.
Despite the fact that I have an addictive past,
Despite the fact that I have a lower than minimal wage job,
Despite the fact that I have no college degree
Despite all this, I WILL BE SUCCESSFUL.
At the moment,
I'm learning the art of self-mastery.
If there's any flaw in me, let ME see, I wanna fix it, I know I am worth something, but I've got to find the master key.
I don't know what that requires, to find me...
Is it a bachelors degree?
An associates degree?
Well I don't know but I'll swim across the Mediterranean SEA just to feel FREE.
Yet I just took a test that says my scores say reading level "7th grade"
Right now my math is "5th grade"
.....I'm starting college this year, in January.
and right now my dreams seem only imaginary.
But I wont give up,
because my longing to FIGHT for the wounded girl in every young women is to strong.
I wanna tell them to keep going! and to NEVER GIVE UP.....
I wanna show them why suicide isn't the answer.
Why they are important, and valued, and tell them
I want to awaken the idea in them that each and every one of us was MEANT TO BE HERE AT THIS VERY TIME, this very decade because each of us has GIFTS that are MEANT TO BE developed to be KNOWN.
I want them to know that out of 400 MILLION ***** THEY were chosen to be here NOW.
That it is not only necessary to be alive and motivated but it is necessary to work on our selves continually and our gifts.
I wanna save lives, because I tried to take mine, and only now i can see, years later why I am happy to still be here.
I will tap into my gifts, and I will be successful, I will save lives.