My fingertips graze over that which I have yet to grasp. Like a book, I see the cover. I know the summary.
Its hype is nearly unbearable. I feel that without it, I have yet to feel. I feel that without it, I have yet to feel.
A perk and a pain A bliss and an absence.
Searches are futile. Empty discoveries abound. Failure is nearly inevitable. Authenticity is scarce.
It possesses some power with which it virtually rules over all.
My curiosity contends my logic and my overwhelming antipathy conflicts my yearning.
I lack the longing that follows a loss which gives me pause.
As my ****** heart stares at the void, a quivering light emits from the candle of fear, brushing the untouched walls, illuminating the potentiality of destruction.
There is no day in which logic does not step between my heart and the void and start to board up the place.
It is too risky, logic declares, this place is uninhabitable. But the naive, ignorant heart implores,