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Brian Miller
Oct 2011
Wake Up
I'm a democrat and republicans want this war to continue. People needs to wake up!
I'm a republican and democrats want to keep spending despite our failing economy. People needs to wake up!
I'm a Christian and Jesus will be coming soon. The Non-Christians and non-religious need to wake up!
I'm a radical Muslim and the west is going to take over. Everyone needs to wake up!
I'm a atheist and the religious radicals are trying to take over the country. Everyone needs to wake up!
I'm a bigot and gays, Jews and blacks are taking over. People need to wake up!
I'm an optimist and the world will recover. Pessimists need to wake up!
I'm a pessimists and the world is messed up. Everyone needs to wake up!
I'm a teacher and school is necessary for society to function. Kids need to wake up!
I'm a vegan, because eating of and torturing of animals is inhumane. Everyone needs to wake up!
I'm not a vegan because animals are needed for our survival. Vegans need to wake up!
I'm anti-school and school is a prison. Everyone needs to wake up!
I'm a racist and other races will take over. My people need to wake up!
I'm an anarchist and the government is robbing us of our rights. Everyone needs to wake up!
I'm pro-government and society needs order. Anarchists need to wake up!
I'm an environmentalist and we are harming the planet. Mankind needs to wake up!
I'm anti-environmentalism and the earth is fine. Environmentalists needs to wake up!
People, wake up!! I'm a 9/11 truther and 9/11 was created by the government.
I'm against truthers and 9/11 was caused by terrorists. Truthers need to wake up!
I'm a conspiracy theorist and the government is hiding things from us. Everyone needs to wake up!
I'm against animal testing because its unethical. People need to wake up!
I'm for animal testing because we need to make sure our inventions work. Everyone needs to wake up!
I'm a sexist and the opposite gender is taking over. My gender needs to wake up!
I'm a creationist and evolution is a lie. Everyone needs to wake up!!
I'm a scientist and creationism is a lie. Creationists need to wake up!
I'm anti-capitalism because it robs people of their money. Everyone needs to wake up!
I'm pro-capitalism because most wealthy nations are capitalists. Everyone needs to wake up!
I'm pro-death penalty because some people need to die. Everyone needs to wake up!
I'm anti-death penalty because criminals are people too. Everyone needs to wake up!
I'm a militant and everyone is an enemy. We need to wake up!!
I'm against war because war is ******. Everyone needs to wake up!!
I'm a climate change denier and global warming is a scam. Everyone needs to wake up!
I'm a climatologist and global warming is real. Everyone needs to wake up!
I'm pro-life and abortion is ******. Everyone needs to wake up!
I'm pro-choice and its the woman's choice. Everyone needs to wake up!
I'm anti-gun law and people are crazy. Everyone needs to wake up!
I'm pro-gun law and people are crazy with guns. Everyone needs to wake up!
Wake up, Its a brand new day.....
Written by
Brian Miller
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