Your indigo crystal aura spins through the meteorites and rock matter Creamsicle wheat, gold aura'd The golden freed, guild and greed appealed. As if
from up the causeway of some starving and scary ghosts. If Shel Silverstein had ghosts their ghosts would be still too decent.
In the tired eyes of friends and their declarations- I have no cyn to give nor cywm to live. Tired am I of breezing through narrow rills in Hidden Creek the obvious spillway ditch of our not even near immortal wealth that weighs on the souls of the outlying suns.
Realize that active sight, only breathes from active mind. And until today I never realized that I don't mind child. My child My sweet sweet child of the radiant and crimsony misty blue and white skies through divine amber and aurulent lights, that twinkle acrosss such
Incredible sea-green and robin's egg blue colored ocean sized eyes. From these Ides whereon I've drifted supine, lost, scattered and random In the weeping tide's of Alice's watery eyes.