Our ancient lineage contains folds encapsulating hidden wisdom unfurling at the weathered edges. Curling inwards in attempt to direct us to the origin. Source. Deposits of insight lie within our bloodline, spiraling beside genetic codes we have carried through lifetimes. The quickening has arrived, through comprehension acceleration and universal language of Love translations. Verdant roots nourishing, allowing spiritual nutrients to enhance our brilliance. We are Telluric creatures:Natural teachers essential to the transfusion of energy between the moon and the sun We are the ones, responsible for our is-ness magnification outgrow foundations we have constructed to keep ourselves from seeing past this self inflicted ceiling. It has withheld us from feeling anything beyond this consumeristic dogma implanted in our society, force feeding us its enigmatic conditioning. Detach pre-determined thinking to allow this ever-flowing journey of contemplating mysteries, abolishing worries of fear in the becoming. It takes courage to assert ones self beyond what we have been taught, to unlearn ready made thought and rewrite our own scriptures. Our ligaments are sacred scrolls awaiting our blessing, allowing them to unfold leaving lacuna spaces for existence to experience traces of our essence. Children of mother earth in collaboration with father time, the genesis of this breath has appointed us as divine, intertwined into a perfected geometric composition, we are creation curators of this generation woven into synthesis, mastered with our gift of presence, god-head recollection.