Sacrifice yourself for the ones you love for they will only stay long enough to see progress and as soon as the shade becomes your eyesight you cannot find anyone else here in the dark. Everyone is too busy trying to find that light that was once inside of you but it's not there anymore- it was burnt out but those who said they cared when they were only harnessing that glow to use to their advantage all in order to see things better and now all you're left with is this darkness. No windows with the sunrise to peek through because no one seems to be able to see through you anymore. No phone to use to guide you because people stopped reaching out a long time ago so you figured you no longer needed to hear the silence that clings to you like dust like dog hair on your black pants and there's no lint roller strong enough to keep it off so it stays and you keep looking at it wishing you didn't get yourself into this mess but at the time it seemed like such a good idea.
You break once because of someone they will break you again and this is the one thing life has taught me. People will hurt you- they will lead you in with intentions of change and then proceed to ask you for some money because they know the change was never there in the first place. I wish you still didn't owe me money and I am picking pieces of myself to give to you in hopes you will see how much of me you've torn apart. I'm standing here with my heart in my hand again- looking at myself in the mirror wondering why I so badly want everything to end wondering why it always comes back to this and the cycle keeps continuing until I am nothing. I guess we are doomed to repeat our past because this feels a lot like when I was a kid and I had to pass out or fake sick for attention but I don't have to fake these things anymore- they happen to me now anyway and I guess this is just my sick twisted fate. Karma came back around and now she's looking for a fight she's already won round one I guess she's looking for the belt. Take it- it will only end up around my neck anyway.