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Sep 2011
Tread the line to seek the light, then cry havoc in the dark
As all things that were look up in pallor at the flame filled sky.
These are no mere ramblings, alas, it is palpable rumblings from which you make haste
The great mystery revealed with long streaks of dread and those guilty of...momentary worship
To them, a fate to match their faith
A Tartaric vision to sweep clean the stock houses and to empty thine senates.
With spears of lightning and whips of the sun, the anguish of fact, and doubt of the one.
Those of the fallen are but ashes upon the wind, free from the righteous to bare.
They too do not relish the task, where on Earth is the joy of this judgement.
Only the heroes stand.
There is no Hercules, no Pericles, nor any you'd take for granted to expect
Beneath a final sinking sun, it is the unknown alone who dare to speak.
To call out with their last breaths
To lay a harrowed plea at the feet of the Gods of death.
To cast weary eyes upon the remaining pools of light.
Draw up from here, your wicked rule! No more at the mercy of an Olympian.
Indeed, could mercy truly persist? Have not these ravaging flames feasted with merriment?
Does one not now bare witness?
The shattered shields and broken swords are remnants now of what will be a forgotten world.
The sweet majesty of an unspeakable truth, as if it were guilded with Gold as it rolls back and away from this once sacred place.
Its is here, beyond all calamity.
Blissful lightness of the Heart.
A beauty one's eyes cannot grasp
A freedom to assuage the lust of the free.
The waters of crystal clear tranquility and heart free from all humility.
A God! As they had once been shown.
The aromatic taste of divinity.
The motionless seas in a stasis of perfection
Can you truly know?
To see why your heart first beat?
To find out why a soul became what you call "me"?
There is no time for this and that, only for what is, and time isn't.
Revel in the serenity now, sleep and hope to never wake, it is a dream they chime,
A dream.
The noose of eternity is now but a tread on a finger...a reminder, of what?
I cannot remember.
Keith Jenkins
Written by
Keith Jenkins
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