Once there was a little duck, Who felt so all alone. Little did the ducky know, He could just pick up the phone. The little duck had no hope, He was filled with such despair. He felt his life was purposeless, And he was a waste of air. So one day the little duck Dove to the bottom of the pond. He was prepared to leave this world, And see what was beyond. But another duck saw him dive, And dove right after him. She brought him up, And hugged him close, And they went for a swim. She told him that she knew his pain, And used to feel the same, But together they could swim all day, And close friends they became. The little duck no longer felt Quite so all alone, And with his new friend by his side, This world now feels like home.
This is something I made up quickly because a friend asked for a story. I think it would make a cute little poem/book for kids/teens :)