I do not want you to insert yourself into me I don't want to taste your tongue I don't want you inside of me I want to love you, next to you I want to exist with you, not on you I didn't realize I suddenly needed to come with a disclaimer, "Will love whole-heartedly, but won't have ***!" I didn't realize it was wrong to go through life grasping onto my purity Loving with my mind instead of my body Why is it wrong for me to hold onto the clean, white dress in my imagination I thought my body was mine I thought saying no made me powerful and strong
I do not want you inside of me But I will still love you I will love you from the outside Like our bodies are windows Just know that I will not let you break the glass.
It's been brought to my attention, by people that I thought understood, that I need to "come out" as asexual. I have been told not to wear a t-shirt that shows support for the asexuality spectrum because it "gives off the wrong message." I am exceptionally confident about my sexuality. I want everyone to know that. Asexuality is not "the wrong message." It is not weird, it is not abnormal.
Please comment, and be confident, no matter your sexuality :)