This ship has set sail With a crew of fifty good men And twenty heavily coated dogs Over half the crew will be dead By the time we reach our destination On this secret government expedition Journey to the bottom of the world To find the Southern Pole The wind blows us where no life lives But the bitter cold
From North America Past the southern tip of Argentina Harbored at the Falkland Islands For our last taste of civilization
Six months Or maybe it was a year or more at sea To the icy shores of another planet Encased in endless days of darkness
The ship became marooned In frozen oceanic tundra For many winter nights We the crew chiseled, shoveled And pick-axed our way to break free Of our prison made from solid crystal air
Finally unyielding land ahead An unmovable iceberg We dock and unload Steady our sea legs to skis and sleds The dogs take off across this untraveled land Pulling us in tow Faster against the frigid wind Than our own frostbitten limbs would allow
Ninety degrees south latitude lies somewhere ahead Blanketed in fresh snowfall and ice storms Supplies and moral run low as this weary travel continues on
Shaded in zero visibility we set camp for the night Harbored against the soulless chill In a frozen crevice of ice mountain Our health deteriorated and the dogs drained
Polar sleep sets in The arctic wind chills us to the bone And my cold eyes close