Yet another frigid November has found this place Inconsiderately crawls from the shadows In a perfect world autumn leaves would fall daily Instead...this shallow frost attacks that gentle sun And everywhere darkness chases out those remnants of life Every year those lonely, barren trees mock me... I'm a wasteland...
Nothing can be frightening outside of the tundra The worst passes quickly enough but the good never comes back around Each frosty breath lingers; grows stale to remind us Growth is mere mythology in truth Seasons of change just bring back that despair I wish people could break free of their circles.. Their cyclical "growth"...that quest for relief It doesn't exist...
Am I different than yesterday? The wounds within incessantly ache That derelict heart skipped those same beats Burdens of the past bind this soul to the grave Only the foolish allow the ******* Until a point...
I'll call this a dissertation although it's a poem. Days punctuate this essay of the world without meaning Trivial thoughts on humanity or lack thereof. The world's deceit is clear without an ignorant lens.