I view the future with much equanimity And try not to rely on consanguinity. My loss of blood to NHS phlebotomists Whose hides are thicker than hippopotomists Or, if you prefer it, hippopotami Exacerbates a lot of my Concerns with the diminution of supply, Reminiscent of Hancock and his cry: A pint of blood! You must be mad! That’s almost an armful. It’s really bad If I do not have enough Left to fill the smallest coffee cup.
But do not grieve excessively, I’ve left a glorious legacy. A double pocketful of books Into which no one ever looks; As well as countless music scores That it seems everyone abhors, Regarded by equal abhorrence As evidenced by non-performance. But one we greet with jubilation Refrigerated Transportation Beloved by transport chiefs galore, Who hide it in their frozen store.