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Sep 2011
Since the beginning of time,
the evolution of life has been an on-going movement.

At some point,
not even animals or plants existed.

Only planets and stars.

Eventually planet Earth came to be,
and threw out time,
different life forms started to manifest,
ultimately creating the human being as the highest life form on the planet.

The whole universe is moving in a circle, for what?

What is the purpose of it all?

Where is this on-going journey of evolution going?

All of these creations that exist in the universe,
were obviously created by some supreme creator,
which we have referred to as God.

God is the symbol that we have chosen to represent  THAT which creates.

Creates us, the humans,
along with the whole universe.

And it feels as if  we are on this journey, under His will.

And we ask ourselves what could be the point of it..
what is it all about..
what is it for?
what is the goal of life?

In one hand,
we see that many ugly and unnecessary things are happening, and have been happening for a long time.
There is much violence and suffering still being created by the human race.
We see hatred and destruction.
Is this the goal?

on the other hand,
many humans are being guided by a certain silence within themselves.
Many humans are searching for truth and peace.
We see visions of turning Earth into a real paradise.
Is this the goal?

To walk around the world in pure silence is to truly explore the world as it is.
It is to truly explore life and learn the lesson that your life holds.

To walk around the world with a fixed mind, with fixed believes, conditioned,
is to walk around the world like a slave, like a robot, like a program, like a blind man.

Todays society tells me that to be part of this world i HAVE to do this and that.

But i see this world as a huge playground.

A beautiful playground for consciousness to play, have fun, love, create beauty and continue evolving.

And yet society tells me that i have to go out, compete, struggle, qualify and work hard.

In my vision:

The only work that is real is the work of God.

And the work of God is to love and to love and to love and to keep loving and to keep having fun.

And it seems to me like more than half of humanity believes that life is not so simple,
and that things have to be struggled for,
that you have to fight,
that you HAVE to become successful,
forgetting that you are just fighting for success under the name not of who you are,
but of who you think you are.

We are not the names that  are given to us at birth,
because if we were to be those names,
that would mean that when the name,
the person,
you die.

But who are you?

Pretend that in this moment,
you come into existence.

Pretend that you were born right NOW,
who are you?

If you were born right now,
here next to me,
and i ask you, who are you?
What will you tell me,
what name will you give me?

And if you were to give me a name,
( because a name was given to you in this moment );
what would that name represent if there is no past for it?

To me,
the name is simply the accumulation of the experiences from the past that the name has gonne threw.

Pretend that there was no past.

Who would you be if there was no past?
take a moment to imagine...

If you were born in this moment here next to me,
and i ask you:
who are you?
- you would be able to tell me: I am;
you will tell me that yes, i am, i am here,
i exist;
but you will not be able to tell me your name,
you will not be able to give me a name,
because if you were born in this moment right now ,
yes you will exist,
yes you will be,
but there will be not past for you to tell me about the story of that character who carries a name.

Because from the moment of our birth we are given a name,
it is inevitable to escape a name.

And as we grow,
that name which we carry,
which we identify with,
accumulates experiences and builds what we call the "personality".

The personality is just past experiences.

The record of your past  keeps your personality alive,
the memory of your past sustains your personality,
and then some of you believe that this is who you are...

But if you were born in this moment,
or if your whole memory would be erased,
and you would be re-started in this moment,
who would you be?

That being is the true being of your-self.

That being that exists in this moment without a label is who you truly are.

Many people go on living the story of their name.

The story of their past.

Esteban has a story,
Esteban is part of this world,
Esteban contributes to the world of form,
because Esteban is the name of this body.

But it is not Esteban that lives inside this body.

Esteban only lives inside the mind.

Esteban is just a character.

Esteban will eventually die.

But that which is in Esteban,
that which expresses itself threw Esteban,  
can not die.

The story of Esteban will come to an end.

As it begun with the name Esteban,
it shall end with the name Esteban.

But the consciousness will continue to exist.

If you believe that you are your name,
you will also believe that you will die.

Because it is true that the name will die;
but because the true self has no name,
it can not die.

As i see it,
many have lived for many life-times,
and many have not been able to transcend their consciousness.

Many have not been able to move on in the journey of consciousness.

In my view:
many are stuck.

And in my believe:

Those who want to or still need to remain in the cycles of life and death,
can and will do so.  

And those who feel ready to go beyond life and death,
those who feel ready to understand the purpose of life and death,
will follow the voice of silence.

Those who are ready to understand the meaning of their lives,
will meditate.

And those who are not ready to see beyond this world,
will continue their unconscious behaviors.

Those who want to cling to sense experiences,
will continue their attachment to things.

And in this attachment to things,
they will continue suffering.

I will not struggle for anything.

I will continue to live in my simplicity.

I am so deeply in love with everything.

I am so deeply in love with my peace.

And i am just following nature.

I am just following my nature.

But it seems as if not every-body is following their nature...

I see planet Earth as a school room.

I see planet Earth as a school for consciousness to learn as much as possible and eventually graduate.

And so what we call the buddhas,
the awakened ones,
to me,
are the graduate ones.

Those will hop on-to a new journey.

This is just MY expression of life.

This is just my truth being expressed to existence.

And my recommendation to others is to always follow the heart,
and to grow the courage to put aside the believes and the sayings that are told by the outside world and begin a journey towards your-self.

Sure the outside world will still be there to distract you,
yes the mind will still be there and confuse you at times,
but little by little you will put the mind at peace, at ease,
and ground yourself more strongly in-to your awareness.

The mind will always be there because it is part your being.

It is not your whole being,
just a part of your being.

The mind is another part of the body;
just like the legs and the arms and the eyes, etc...

Become the master of your mind.

Discover peace of mind.

Discover your truths.

If you are ever looking for answers,
from my own experience,
i would tell you that they are all within you.

And that the answers that are given to you by others,
you will doubt.

But that the answers that are given to you by your inner-self,
you will not doubt.

Yes others can help you to discover your truths,
but YOU ,
are the ultimate helper.

Yes others can guide you,
but you will have to experience your own truth so that never again you have a doubt.

In the end,
i think we all know what we have to do.

We all know that the answers are inside of us.

And if we are following other people,
other peoples opinions,
if we are believing other peoples judgments,
we also know that it is not right .

My observation is:

That through life,
there are many lessons to be learned on planet Earth.

That our own lives contain many lessons.

And that of course we have to make mistakes,
and of course we WILL make mistakes,
and of course we have made mistakes,
but that of course we will understand the lesson,
and come to know what is real and what is not.

And so what is the goal of life?

you ARE life.

So what is the goal of your life?

The answer is inside of you.

And only you can come to know it!
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