she smiles for me she was born beautiful with golden hair and green irises but when did she get so pretty? a pleasant upside down triangle smile a collaboration of lips, teeth, cheeks and eyes shining in affection for me for happy childhood memories singing Disney songs painting unicorns and waterfalls stringing beaded bracelets and learning how to draw good because she "keeps on trying" at times she was the devil's child incorrigible other times she was the sweetest little chatterbox at the corner drugstore I couldn't get her to stop talking "Why are we following that man?" she said within his earshot "Because he knows the way out", I replied at four years old she could beat me at video games truly a kid from outer space now a young woman at life's threshold with doubts and questions and confidence and more strength than she knows she has working and going to school I have no fears for her future I know she'll keep on trying till she gets what she wants that was my advice spoken so many years ago to my little niece my Godchild Dani