The River is lonely it has no friends. The mountain naught but an acquaintance a majestic bastion a beautiful companion but not an equal.
The River flows down the Mountain rapidly but elegantly gently carving itself a niche in a coarse, rough landscape made for the tall, the bold but not the fleeting.
The lonely River winds shimmering, glimmering from the top of white to the bottom of black. It slides effortlessly, brilliantly yet still unnoticed by its silent surroundings.
This River, this lonely river moves ever in the scorching sight of sun or the chilling glare of moon. It snakes, wonderfully, imperiously slicing through rock and stone. A vein of silver in a grey, grey land.
And where does the river flow? Downwards, ever downwards through field and forest gold and green to the Sea. The great Ocean where it melts without fanfare into blue. That Lonely River.