today, my darling wife meets a neurosurgeon it turns out the herniation of a disk is pressing on the spine causing numbness, discomfort, and potentially paralysis… unable to focus or concentrate I find myself meditating on worst case scenarios perhaps the sullen poet in me has been waiting for tangible crisis – brooding dude in a foul mood not enough sick time to make the trip I sit in an office thinking about interstate travel doctors office magazines and the sterile smell of the smaller, more important waiting room void of reading material but full of fun tongue depressors and knobs and dials on the blood pressure cuff – Inmates surround my tiny desk asking questions about their degree path inquiring about next term’s schedule and can I print for them… all the while I am not even in my body… instead I float hovering near the mental image of my wife alone in a waiting room calmly reading US Weekly while the fate of the next 40 years of our lives lays on a MRI on a desk in an office –