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Jan 2010

Teaching as I do those younger then I
I am oft asked strange and wondrous questions
Some make me think examine my ideas and thoughts
Some make me smile .. as I remember when I asked the same question, the same way

And some ... Confuse me

This is one of those

It was the end of class and most had gone , a few stragglers were chatting and I had stopped listening
"excuse me please" a so soft voice asked and I looked up into dark serious eyes chestnut hair framed the face of my most quiet student.

Sitting back I put down my pen and gave her my attention..This would be the first time we would speak in the 5 months since she began

"Can I help you with something?" I asked?

She looked down at the books she carried and said almost too softly to hear.

"How often may I use magic?Is it best just for Ritual and Ceremony?"

As I looked up into her face I realized that what I said now, here in this room would send her toward my Lady ...

or send her searching further.

Knowing this I chose my words carefully

"Ritual and Spells , Sabots and Circles all are places we call Power and Worship..But let me tell you how I use magic and perhaps it will help you see"

"Shall we begin at the beginning?" and smiling offered her a seat,

"This morning as I got up and lit a candle in the East window along with a small amount of morning incense , to salute the Dawn and The Lady

When I set the tea *** I stir in a chant of health and safety with the teabags and with each small dish placed before 7 prancing, sleek and furry babies comes a soft touch on each forehead and a Blessing to bring them home safely after their wanders,

My plants as I water them I touch the leaves and infuse through my touch the essence of life the phone rings and as I listen to a Brother or Sister
They know I hold focus rune stones and that I send them calm and caring thoughts to carry them through their hectic day.

Spells for safety and chants for health charms and symbols and song...

There is no hour no moment that I am not Witch
each step and breath is magic and through my practice
I pull that which is Power and Energy

To "save" magic , for Rituals and Sabots as though we might somehow out me it is if someone came and
said "Breath only for Ceremony and Rites"

It is beyond my reason to be a sometimes Witch ..

From my last thought at night to the first light of day

I am Witch ...

cooking , cleaning, shopping, crying ...

I am Witch

Magik is in the air I breathe and each action I take , granted after all these years most are second nature to me now.

But there was a time...not so long ago ...When as a serious ..very young ...Novice believed that magic was so special that it should only be used with great ceremony..

But now after all this time and with my Lady's gentle guidance I know every breath and heartbeat is a magical thing ..

a celebration ...a joyous affirmation.

So now through the eyes of time I have offered her my Way and I see the light in her eyes and I knew I had explained what I felt..and she had understood.

Don't save it
Spend it
Shower your world ,
Enfold your life,
Wrap yourself in the Energy of the Universe...
And the Magic will Enfold, Protect , Nurture and Love you
and your Path will never be far from you.

Then, with only a smile and a nod she left, but Student and Mentor connected and I was able to pass my passion
forward and Lady willing one day she too will pass forward the Rapture

One student ...One small question..Thank you my Lady for sending me this sweet reminder of the Passion and Joy that is my life in your keeping

Solitaire Shadoewalker -2007@Copywrite
- From Night Thoughts
Solitaire Archer
Written by
Solitaire Archer  Toronto
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