i have got a focus one that causes these eyes to be elated elevated, so to dilate all that is my being
yet I stutter in seeing as you capture these snapshots slowing my shutter speed to lead these negativities from undeveloped to developed colored pictures
images that were once black and white gradient mediums of grayscale tones followed by forgetting loans that were reeled matinees that i paid with patient polaroid instances of being
too much of a gentlemen counting 1-2-3 cheese - ready smile but these cheeses are too aged long forgotten
It's been one of those long travels where reaching point B has no words but to allow smiling instinctively now even before you raise that camera to eye, my eye level focusing on taking this picture
there is a reason a smile is worth a thousand words that we share the moment and share the life because we take pictures with people we want to remember preserving past our memories because in a flash we loose sight for an instance all those, worries, and concerns reflecting happiness to ourselves
so when you open that envelope of pictures for the first time at the one hour photo place or dust off that old album remember time and again you have brought out the best in me