we labor under an oppressive thumb not realizing the very leaders we exalt will use that power to hold us down
we've armed them with the greatest of weapons blind conformity empty apathy unquestioning obedience what we believe in is a puppet
as our so-called democracy devolves we increase in callousness masses designed with a singular purpose to extinguish original thought
accept or die embrace or be ostracized belabor the point that your purpose is to labor forever another slave along the chain another cog in the machine bent-kneed stooped before some corporate conglomerate a faceless superpower pulling the strings behind the scenes
politicians bought and paid for shouldering the burdens of the Fortune 500 companies who helped them purchase their office beholden to back alley deals and smoke and mirror gimmicks
artists traded rebellion for comfort now they ply their craft for profit to appease the brainwashed masses a morally—and financially—bankrupt populace
they catalogue our every thought metadata ensnared in the dragnet mass surveillance a tool to bend the whims of the people to their rulers
we **** black kids in Ferguson as they walk down the middle of the street shoot 'em down as the snack on skittles and sip Arizona ice teas they forbid us to feed the homeless lock us in a jail cell if we dare to disobey city ordinances designed to keep the City Beautiful looking beautiful but i see beyond the thin facade
expose war crimes thanks for your service Chelsea Manning that'll be 35 years in federal penitentiary hack a surveillance network spying on activists and protesters can't have that that'll be 10 years at State Jeremy Hammond blow the whistle on the panopticon thanks Edward Snowden but we've grown to adore our own shackles
fear 24/7/365 fear this fear that fear god fear death fear Muslims fear blacks just don't fear the rich white straight males in their 4k suits and crooked smiles pay the white-collar Wall St. Bankers no mind the 1% who've left us all behind as they lurk in the shadows ruining everything
a fearful electorate will bow to the whims of its masked dictatorship and march without thought to the beat of the war drums
**** them **** all of them ISIS Pakistan Iran Syria all the Muslim savages in countries whose names we can't even pronounce render weapons to tyrannic despots so we can pretend we don't have blood on our own hands torture extrajudicial assassination extraordinary rendition drones bombing civilians in record numbers all cards we've stowed up our sleeves in a war that is designed to never end fight terrorism with terrorism revenge not justice but if our army is abusing children then who the **** are the bad guys
confront the ambivalence that roars like machine gun fire violence is never the answer and i refuse to stand by and watch as we wreak havoc upon this earth
our leaders are liars our gods are frauds we're going to have to save ourselves
the answer does not rest above a utopic afterlife in the clouds is a farce we've been led like sheep to the slaughter obedience and reverence have crippled us if we want heaven we'll have to raise hell
stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in direct action cooperatives nonviolent civil disobedience insurrection against the State anarchy is the answer