Listened to their screams as they tortured them Such a petrifying sound We sing songs of merriment as we march Clear our mine of the pain Exchange is with rage Forced to watch as our bodies do what demons commanded We watched them Watched their bodies fall to the ground Our eyes afraid to close For in the darkness behind shows only the horror Shows only the death We must put guts over fear Onward we go Deeper into the fray Our men not blind See what Hell that awaits Each already dead inside There is no return And still onward we go We can feel the heat rising Everything is on fire Everything's a painful reminder of why we fight It can only get hotter Walking in the flames Our bodies fire proof through rage Our bodies buried by the blood of our women The blood of our children Can never truly be cleansed For we carry them with use into the fiery crucible of which awaits And while our flesh remains marked Deeper into Hell we go Our souls tainted by the pain of the innocent The whispers of the evil May our souls be purified Cleansed in the blood of their killers Glorified by the fruition of revenge Onward we go